It Was Always a Girl
I grew up apart of a legacy of first born, all girl family, women. I am wildly proud of my family history and love my family so very much.
Having a girl is a big deal. Here is a look at my family history that I find just mind blowing.
Here is my great grandmother, Olive Wells.
Olive Wells had four girls.
The oldest of her four girls, is my grandmother, Martha Elliott.
My grandmother, Martha Elliott had four girls.
The oldest of her four girls, is my mother, Lee Ann Westman.
Lee Ann had 4 girls, and I am the oldest of those four girls.
And here's me, pregnant with my first girl.
So it's only inline with my 4 generations of 4 girls that I am pregnant with a girl. In fact, my mom joked with Josh before we got married that he may just be marrying into an all girl family of his own and (jokingly) asked him if he was ok with that. He joked back that his genes and sperm were superior from the previous 4 generations of husbands before him and that our first would be a boy... but here we are, four months away from the beginning of the next legacy!
Now, there's no actual known science behind why my family is so girl heavy, but after a few miscarriages my mother experienced, her OB predicted that her body rejects Y chromosomes (girls are XX and boys are XY). So while that is something I love to tell people as a half joke/half maybe real thing, it's interesting to see how our family history has panned out.
And let me tell ya, it was such a relief. I just don't even know what I would do with a boy (haha, as if I've had children before). Our future children pending, I just love one gendered families. In El Paso we grew up in a ward full of all girl families. Some of my closest and life-long family friends come from all girls families and I am so grateful for them. In fact, two of us are both pregnant with girls, due the same week.
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